Denmark: Rejected Iraqi asylum-seekers fled into Brorsons Kirke in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The Danish Police stormed Brorsons Church last night and arrested rejected Iraqi asylum seekers. Denmark is deporting children to the world's most dangerous country and even to the most dangerous places in the world's most dangerous country - Iraq.
The Danish Police stormed Brorsons church last night and arrested 17 of the 60 rejected Iraqi asylum seekers who have sought refuge in the church since May. One man threatened to jump out of the church window, but other Iraqis prevented disaster. The church’s pastor is deeply affected by the episode. Police used dogs, truncheons and pepper sprays.Af Anni Løndal de Lichtenberg. Oversat af Erik Kjær Larsen
The priest in the Church, Per Ramsdal, is deeply shocked by the violent police action. Pastor Ramsdal is appalled that a church is no longer the refuge it has traditionally been in Denmark. "It is a violation of the unwritten rules that the church is a sacred place," says pastor Ramsdal
They rejected Iraqi asylum seekers took shelter in the church in May. They did so because the Danish People's Party ran a campaign in the spring to have them deported by force.
Denmark has kept rejected Iraqi asylum seekers up to 12 years in many changing Danish asylum camps. The Danish-Iraqi children have never received mother tongue instruction and the children have not been given a proper education. The parents have not been allowed to work. There was also torture victims and sick and old people among the asylum seekers.
Both children and parents are shown to have been traumatized by the long stay in the camps which are intended only for max 6 months stay. The only support given are the lunch money and clothing twice a year. Health experts have said that the lunch money is not sufficient to ensure children a healthy diet.
Many international organizations have sharply criticized Denmark for the Danish asylum policy and the EU are constantly trying to get Denmark to align. Many Danish organizations, politicians and writers have also condemned the Danish asylum policy. Many ordinary Danes support the Iraqis with both money and necessities. The government has told the Danes that it is illegal to support the Iraqis, but the Danes do it anyway.
Most of the asylum seekers have felt assured that they would not survive and that their children would be killed if they went back to Iraq, which is why they felt forced to choose a wretched life in Danish asylum camps.
Several of the asylum seekers have been unable to travel home because Iraq refuses to accept them.
Many of them come from the most dangerous places in Iraq.
The rejected asylum seekers are retrieved in asylum camps in the middle of the night without a chance to say goodbye to their children and family, and they are placed in handcuffs and taken to prisons where they stay until the police can get them on a plane.
They were deported by force without money and without their luggage and personal belongings. They can wait from 6 to 12 months for their luggage and sometimes they never receive it, since they do not dare tell anyone where they are.
The Danish People's Party applied fierce pressure for the forced repatriation of the Iraqis in May and the government made an agreement with the Iraqi authorities to take their citizens back. The agreement was made because Iraq was given a large sum of money. Iraq was also threatened that Denmark would eliminate development aid to Iraq if Iraq would not make a repatriation agreement with Denmark.
Danish People's Party has long wanted the Church stormed and the rejected Iraqis deported by use of force, but the government has hesitated. Danish People's Party has spent the summer holidays to threaten the position of several ministers. Danish People's Party has also threatened to stop supporting the government in the summer holidays.
Danish People's Party is an extremist right nationalist party with racist tendencies. 12-15 percent of the voters voting on the Danish People's Party, but because of the parliamentary situation, where the Danish People's Party through its loyal support to the Government, ensure government power, the Danish People's Party has far more power and influence than the 15 percent of the vote indicates. The head of the Danish People's Kjaersgaard is chosen as one of the most powerful people in Denmark.
Danish People's Party: the government's loyal support party since 2002 and the party that keeps the government in power, said:
"We do not want any more Muslims in Denmark"
A member of parliament, Søren Krarup, Danish People's Party, said that “Islam has for 1,400 years attempted to conquer and repress European Christianity...”
"It may sound offensive, but Islam is a totalitarian regime that has thousands of human lifes on its conscience. The headscarf is a symbol of this regime and the Quran may very well be compared with Hitler's 'Mein Kampf'."[
"In many ways, we are anti-Muslims"
See more:'s_Party
At 1 January 2009 there lived a total of 28,917 Iraqis in Denmark. Since the early 1980s, large numbers of Iraqis sought refuge in Denmark. First, because of the war between Iraq and Iran (1980-1988), since for other reasons - most recently as a result of sectarian violence, ethnic cleansing and other human rights violations in the post-Saddam Hussein regime. From 2000 to 2008 Denmark received 5,710 Iraqis in the form of asylum seekers, quota refugees and humanitarian residence
Most of the Iraqis were asylum until 2000. For many years, got about 90 percent of Iraqi asylum seekers asylum.
95 percent were given asylum in 2000. In 2002 the law was tightened. After 2002, almost no Iraqis asylum.
Recognition rate was 26 in 2002, 23 in 2003, 1 in 2004, 7 in 2005 and 2 in 2006.
From 2003 to 2006, only Denmark asylum to 203 Iraqis.
Videolink from danish newspapers:Violently: Women were given eight strokes with a cudgel
Demonstrate and this girl turned eight times by the officer during clearing Brorsons church - see the situation here, where the officer turn on, after the girl has risen
Movie: clearance of Brorsons Church
The police beat people. Even those who could not defend themselves. A young man had to be hospitalized because of police use of pepper sprays
Battle Dressed police surprised the Iraqis to church
Picture from danish newspapers: